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Centennial Lofts. Atlanta, GA.
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Load Bearing Walls - The Spires at Berry
Phipps Plaza. Atlanta, GA.
The Spires at Berry College. Rome, GA.
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Avita Community Partners. Hall County, GA.

Exterior Non-Load-Bearing Walls

Exterior walls for non-combustible buildings often make use of cold-formed steel framing. Structural
Evolution designs wall studs, opening framing, soffits, cornices, canopy supports, and other elements needed to produce a fully engineered building envelope.

Load-Bearing Walls

Many one-story buildings consist of cold-formed steel load-bearing walls supporting roof trusses or rafters. Multi-story buildings with floors made of metal deck slabs, hollo-core plank or joists can also be
supported on load-bearing cold-formed steel wall studs. Structural Evolution designs wall studs, opening framing and shear walls made from either flat strap x-bracing or structural board.


Site constructed cold-formed steel trusses are often used for small projects. Structural Evolution provides engineering for a complete truss system. Lay-out drawings show the position of each truss.
Detail drawings for each truss show members, connections, lengths, and end-cuts. Installation details
show truss anchorage, member bracing and overall truss system bracing.

SR Plaza. Duluth, GA.

Joists and Rafters

Cold-formed steel framing is often used to support floors or to frame roofs with attic spaces. Structural
Evolution provides engineered framing drawings including placement plans, member bracing, opening framing and connection details.

Mt. Paran Church. Marietta, GA.


Cold-formed steel framing can be used to support stages, tiered seating platforms, stairs, ramps, and
other features. Structural Evolution provides engineered framing drawings including member design,
connections, and bracing.

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Interior Walls

Some buildings such as factories and theaters include very tall interior walls or other large interior features. Sometimes the architect for a project may require that all framing be engineered. Structural Evolution can provide framing drawings for interior walls, wall openings, shaft wall, soffits, suspended ceilings, and other features requiring engineering.

Atlanta Dairies. Atlanta, GA.

Job Site Support

Structural Evolution provides engineering support during construction. If repairs or modifications are needed, Structural Evolution can provide repair details. If required by the owner, or when needed by the contractor, Structural Evolution engineers can travel to the job site to perform site observations. Site observations are followed by reports and repair details if needed.


Centennial Lofts. Atlanta, GA.
2015 Phipps 2 Photo 2.jpg
Load Bearing Walls - The Spires at Berry
Phipps Plaza. Atlanta, GA.
The Spires at Berry College. Rome, GA.
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SR Plaza. Duluth, GA.

Exterior Non-Load-Bearing Walls

Exterior walls for non-combustible buildings often make use of cold-formed steel framing. Structural
Evolution designs wall studs, opening framing, soffits, cornices, canopy supports, and other elements needed to produce a fully engineered building envelope.

Load-Bearing Walls

Load-bearing cold-formed steel walls may support roof trusses or rafters in single story buildings, and/or floor systems in multi-story buildings. Structural Evolution designs wall studs, opening framing, and shear walls made from either flat strap x-bracing or structural board.


Site-constructed cold-formed steel trusses are often used for small projects. Structural Evolution provides engineering for complete truss systems. Layout drawings show the position of each truss, and
detail drawings for each truss show members, connections, lengths, and end-cuts. Installation details show truss anchorage, member bracing and overall truss system bracing.

Avita Community Partners. Hall County, GA.
Mt. Paran Church. Marietta, GA.
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Credit Union of Georgia. Canton, GA.

Joists and Rafters

Cold-formed steel framing is often used to support floors or to frame roofs with attic spaces. Structural Evolution provides engineered framing drawings including placement plans, member bracing, opening framing and connection details.


Cold-formed steel framing can be used to support stages, tiered seating platforms, stairs, ramps, and other features. Structural Evolution provides engineered framing drawings including member design, connections, and bracing.

Interior Walls

Some buildings such as factories and theaters include very tall interior walls or other large interior features, and  project specifications may require that all framing be engineered. Structural Evolution provides framing drawings for interior walls, wall openings, shaft walls, soffits, suspended ceilings, and other features requiring engineering.

Atlanta Dairies. Atlanta, GA.

Job Site Support

Structural Evolution provides engineering support during construction. If repairs or modifications are needed, we can provide repair details. If required by the owner, or when needed by the contractor, our engineers can travel to the job site to perform site observations, followed by reports and repair details if needed.

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        Structural Evolution is a structural engineering firm specializing in the design of cold-formed steel framing. Our team of detailers and engineers prepares engineered framing drawings for all types of cold-formed steel framing structures. Contractors rely on us to prepare drawings and designs that are well-engineered, easy to read, and easy to construct. Structural Evolution, as an independent engineer, will tailor your framing system to make the best use of your preferred framing supplier, clip source, and tools.


         Our engineers consider themselves to be an extension of the framing contractors’ team and work hard to resolve and problems quickly and economically.

        Structural Evolution was founded in 2010 and is based in Peachtree City Georgia.


        John Lyons, PE, SE, is the Principal Structural Engineer with Structural Evolution.  John started his engineering career by serving in the technical services department of a leading cold-formed steel manufacturer.  He later went on to become a partner with a national structural engineering firm, in which one of his many roles was serving as their in-house resource for cold-formed steel framing projects. John has been a long-time member of the Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute (CFSEI) and previously served as a national board member. He has authored several technical notes on cold-formed steel design and has given presentations on the subject to groups of engineers, contractors, and building officials.

Connextions. Orlando, FL.
Sample Projects

Sample Drawings

            Structural Evolution prepares the best framing drawings in the industry. Our drawings are clear, well-dimensioned and include specific part identification to make ordering material easy. Isometric typical details clearly show installers how member connect. Our distinct blue drawings highlight cold-formed steel framing members and make our designs easy to understand.

Atlanta Braves Stadium (Truist Park). Atlanta, GA.
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Structural Evolution

is Licensed in

These States:

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Phipps Plaza. Atlanta, GA.
States Licensed In



For any inquiries, questions or comments, please call: 678-870-0480 or fill out the following form.


Structural Evolution does not do Residential Engineering; we recommend Certified Building Services.


Contact Mike Nolan,

President of Certified Building Services.

Contact him at:


Peachtree City, Georgia


Suite 250

200 Westpark Drive

Peachtree City, GA 30269


Tel: (678)-870-0480



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